The Princess of Wales: Diana is a Royal Mess
Tragedies leave us asking big, existential questions. Diana, the tragically bad retelling of the final years of Britain’s ill-fated Princess, now in British cinemas and debuting in the U.S. this November, is no exception. The real Diana, a damaged girl from a broken home, evolved into... Read more.
Microsoft is paying a well-known British hacking expert more than $100,000 for finding security holes in its software, one of... Read more.
Wayne Rooney has thanked David Moyes for playing him as a forward this season, insisting he is happier at Manchester... Read more.
The Houston Texans will place tight end Owen Daniels on injured reserve with the designation to return, meaning he will miss at least the... Read more.
Samsung has launched what it describes as the “world’s first curved display smartphone”, the Galaxy Round. This is despite the... Read more.
A tiny crack could be forming in the Great Firewall that blocks China’s internet users from politically sensitive websites. According to the South... Read more.
Apple’s new iOS 7 is either the company’s most beautiful operating system yet or a hideous abomination (your choice!). Either way,... Read more.
Pens! Who needs ‘em? The last pen I used tried to kill me. Within a split-second of writing something, my... Read more.
If anyone hasn’t heard yet, Russell Simmons and Steve Rifkind are getting back in the music game in a big... Read more.
Tragedies leave us asking big, existential questions. Diana, the tragically bad retelling of the final years of Britain’s ill-fated Princess, now in British cinemas... Read more.
The internet basically exploded when megalomaniac (but borderline musical and business genius) Kanye West began spewing rage-filled Tweets about Jimmy Kimmel after... Read more.