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Wayne Rooney “happier” under Moyes

(4529 Views) October 10, 2013 12:01 am | Published by | No comment

Wayne Rooney has thanked David Moyes for playing him as a forward this season, insisting he is happier at Manchester United as a result.

The England international has revealed his “disappointment” at being played as a midfielder under Sir Alex Ferguson last season, which led to rumours he was hoping to leave Old Trafford in the summer.

Rooney believes he has benefited from playing up front and would only like to drop back into the midfield later in his career.

“You can clearly see I’m playing and I’m happy in my football,” Rooney told reporters. “David Moyes has come in, he’s playing me up front, and I’m enjoying it. I’ve had no problem playing out of position in the past, but I’m a forward and I felt I deserved the right to play in my position.

“That wasn’t happening. Naturally I was a bit disappointed and maybe that affected some of the games I played because last season wasn’t my best.

“Everyone at the club knew where I wanted to play. Maybe I will play in midfield when I’m a bit older if I have lost my legs a bit but I didn’t want to play there.

“I’m not saying I am going to throw my arms up in the air and not do it if we were hanging on a bit in the last 10 minutes of a game if and I got asked to drop back. But there came a point where I had to be a bit selfish for my own career.”

Rooney also commented on speculation linking him with a move away from United in recent months and denied he ever planned to walk out on the club.

“To be honest I’ve been settled all summer,” he added. “I know from the outside looking in it might not have seemed like that, but I have. I spoke with the people who matter at the club and we knew what we were doing. The club made that clear.

“My wife had a new child and I’ve been really happy. I’m not going to go on saying I wanted to stay or I wanted to leave. I just want to concentrate on my football. We’ll see what happens after that.”

Despite United’s disappointing start to the season, Rooney insists Moyes has his side well conditioned and will reap the rewards as the season progresses.

“The training has been so hard. We’ve done a lot of different types of training, a lot more running; long running, quicker running, sharper running. That’s been of benefit to me. I feel as fit as I have done at any point.”

Information from the Press Association was used in this report.

This post was written by Mr. Yuli

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